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Reduce fatigue during exercise.
Reduce muscle damage and soreness.
Promote muscle building after exercise.
Provide a source of energy during prolonged exercise.
Support immunity.
When Should I Take BCAA?
BCAAs are effective intra and post-workout supplements. This means that you should be consuming BCAAs during your gym session or immediately after.
This is because BCAAs are effective in helping to build and repair muscle damaged from intense sessions. BCAAs effects peak about 30 to 60 minutes post consumption.
In turn, you're going to want to drink your BCAAs in that window to maximize muscle recovery and to help build muscle. This will help with muscle soreness post-workout.
Why Should I Take BCAA?
Let's consider a guy who wants to achieve a lean physique and aspires for the perfect beach body through training and good nutrition. For leaning up, a training program would involve some extensive cardio with a calorie deficit diet - meaning your body is not getting the total amount of calorie it requires to sustain your size. BCAAs can protect you from catabolism, which is when your body breakdowns muscle, as well as fat, for energy.
So if you are cutting and in a calorie deficit then BCAA's are very important to prevent muscle loss. Exercising in a calorie deficit means there are no glycogen stores available for energy, so muscle protein is broken down into amino acids that can be utilized as energy. By supplementing with BCAA's you can saturate your muscles to provide adequate muscle energy and an anabolic environment.
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